Thursday, April 10, 2014

Raised bed..

I found two pieces of lumber under the house- left over from the deck construction 8 years ago. Perfect for a xeriscape raised bed in the back.

I'm on a sedum kick recently, but was having a hard time figuring out how to highlight them/ protect them from the fall leaves/weeds/garden detritus. I found the round blocks at the in-law's house last weekend- they came from my husband's grandmother's old house in Houston. I think they fit in perfectly, and I love how they will hold the sedums up high (until they trail over the edge).

Other plants in the bed include a Jerusalem Sage, a Beargrass (Nolina texana), and  two Octopus agave that looked wonderfully quirky (and unarmed..) as well as a Mexican honeysuckle, some rescued bluebonnets and an aloe plant.

The mystery of the blooming tree at Big Stacy is solved- it is a Mexican Buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa). I found an old seed pod and the seeds were shiny and beautiful. They are reportedly poisonous, so I did not take them home..

After a day of sawing, drilling and wheelbarrowing I made myself sit for a minute, and saw lots of winged wildlife- an orange butterfly or two (perhaps a frittilary), multiple cardinals/blue jays and doves fighting over the birdfeeder, and a beautiful hummingbird eating at the coral honeysuckle. Of course, the only creature I got a picture of was this (kinda tattered) moth resting by the water spigot. It has elements of a wasp moth..

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